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Welcome! We're tracking 6,503 Classic Jaguar Saloon cars, with 102,174 photos! (Learn More) > cars > detail


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< 630007 630025 >
 3.5 Mk.IV 
 Left Hand Drive 
 1947 Battleship Grey
 2007 Tan
 Scruffy Driver 
 Other Jaguar Sonoma
United StatesUnited States


Record Creation: Entered on 3 December 2007.

Database Updates: Show dataplate edits

Originality: Noted for being in "original condition"



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2017-04-10 07:09:21 | Pekka T. writes:

That engine number is a much later MKV 3 1/2 LItre engine.

2017-10-21 10:52:46 | Pekka T. writes:

I take it that SL217S was the original engine number and the car now has MKV engine with number Z4084.

2021-05-18 08:21:40 | Pekka T. writes:


I don't think that can be the gearbox number, but if it is #SL2175 that is the engine number and it is in perfect sequence. :)


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