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< P211530BW P211632DN >
 3.8 Mk.II 
 Left Hand Drive 
 1999 Red
United StatesUnited States


Record Creation: Entered on 31 March 2009.


Owner: Bill Craig

Hope I can live long enough to restore all of my fleet of old Jags. Retire engineer, 4 children and 6 grandchildren who get most of the potential restoration money.


Updated May 31st, 2009. Not legal proof of ownership.


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2009-03-31 15:15:10 | Bill Craig writes:

Last seen on 11/27/1999 in Jones Salvage Yard in Brazelton, Georgia, USA. I returned in 2000 and the car was gone presumably sent to the crusher! It had no engine and transmission but present was the rest of the car in rather sad shape. It was rusty along the bottom and would have been restorable but barely so. It was a wire wheel car with the wheels gone and sitting on stacks of old tires. Hopefully it was purchased for restoration by someone or at least donated its parts to a restoration.

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